
Final Portfolio: the end

Here is my final portfolio for Business and Organisational Communications. I have included 5 of my favourite free creations that create a coherent voice and showcase what I have learnt this year!  1. Power and Resistance: Breaking Bad   In the popular TV series Breaking Bad, there are a lot of power and business struggles.  Breaking Bad  is the tale of a high school science teacher (Walter White) turned meth cook, who works with different people in illegal circumstances in the drug world.  In later seasons of the show, Walt works with Gus (depicted above in the meme). Gus Fring controls the output and distribution of Walt's meth. Gus is Walt's 'formal authority' and is in a high ranking position in the drug business. Walt has some formal authority, but not as much as Gus. Walt's source of power comes from the knowledge of drugs that he has. He is a meth making expert, which gives him power over Gus. Gus depends on Walt's expertise and knowledge about meth makin...

Crisis: you can't mess around!

If you manage to become a business person- chances are, that you will be faced with a crisis. Today I am going to be talking about crisis's at the workplace, although I am sure midlife crisis's are rich and abundant when you have constant cash flow.  In crisis, you can't mess around. Conventional practises are inadequate. You can't lock your self in your pent house and twiddle your thumbs- you have got to act.  One of the biggest crisis's that wasn't handled very well was the death of princess Diana. It was handled very poorly by the royal family because the family seemed to be hiding away, twiddling their thumbs after her death. They did not make a statement to the media, or even address her death for a lengthy time.  When the queen finally made a statement to the media, it was too late and she had become very unfavourable in the eyes of the public. People were mad.  Instead of waiting and addressing the media when ever you see fit in a crisis, you should addre...

Branding and consumption: hey Macklemore? can we go thrift shopping?

"I'm gonna pop some tags Only got twenty dollars in my pocket I, I, I'm hunting, looking for a come-up This is fucking awesome I wear your grandad's clothes I look incredible I'm in this big ass coat From that thrift shop down the road" Song: Thrift Shop (source: LyricFind)  The song above is an example of branding and consumption- the topic we covered this week.  Consumers use brands to express their personal identities. In the song above, called Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, shows how brands and consumption can be used for personal expression.  The person in the song likes a vintage or old style of clothing. This is evident in the line "I wear your grandad's clothes/ I look incredible." These lyrics are an example of consumption being used to define and express personal identity. The whole song is about going thrift shopping and feeling great, a phenomenon that is very popular today.  Brands know that we like to express ourselves th...

Bad Communication: rumour has it

In today's class, we discussed bad communication. To no ones surprise, there are different types of bad communication that an be expressed inside and outside the business. Internal 'bad' communication could be a) when a clear plan is not communicated clearly, b) when employees feel unsure about their futures due to poor communication from their superiors, c) when information is with held from employees. All 3 examples tend to be connected to each other in some way. Poor communication tends to create more problems than intended- rumours circulate about what is actually happening at the work place. If people are not told information, they tend to try and sleuth out their own facts. External communication is impacted by the internal communication of an organisation. If your company has good internal communication, they will probably have good external communication. However, if your company has poor internal communication, the company will have poor external communication. Its...

Leadership Communication: boring but essential

Interestingly, this chapter was split into 2 different parts, that have some connecting points, but otherwise strike me as odd to coincide. Alas, this is what we have been given. In this blog entry, I am going to be talking about Leadership Communication. According to the chapter, a communication network is how information flows within the organisation, whether that be structured ways of communication or simple person to person relationships. Part of being a good leader is regulating communication flow, and giving it some sort of structure. Usually, its a sort of up and down, occasionally side to side structure. In my job as a receptionist and there is very straight forward communication flow within the business. Each person has an area of tasks that they cover, like finance or administration or pastoral work.  When something like a new Covid-19 policy is introduced, the administration puts together an office protocols update, and emails it to everyone in the office. This would be ...

Unterschieden an der Arbeitsplatz

Heute, ich spreche uber die Theme: Unterschieden an der Arbeitsplatz. Zum wissen die unterschieden in deine Arbeitsplatz ist so wichtig, weil jeder kulture eine underschieden sprechen modellen hat. Wann sie, eine reiches und erfolgreich Geschäftenhaber sind, sie müssen zum kultur, unterschieden, und kommunication uberwissen haben. Wann Man eine gute verstanden von andre Kulturen, Sprachen, und Landen hat, dann Man kanst gute Weltumspanne vertrag gemachen. Weltweit beschäftigungen ist ein wirkliches Moglichkeit.  Firmen machen sie sich selbst weltweit.  Zum beispeil, die Text redet auf ein geschicht von Chevy in Puetro Rico. Chevy hatten eine Campain genennt: 'Nova.' Die Firma hat keine Idee, dass Nova 'es geht nicht' auf Spanisch gemeinte. Doch, sie haben ein Campain das wirklich 'geht nicht.' Produckt vernamen ist einfaches Kommunication.  Ich hab diese Blog ganz auf Deutsch geschibt weil ich eine wirkliches Kommuncation unterschieden machen. Ich weiß, aus mein...

Pain free, stress free, RELIEF: An infomercial for stress free conversations

Identify. Prepare. Practise: these are 3 ways to prepare for (or even avoid) stressful conversations, according to Chapter 10 of HBR's 10 Must Reads.  This reminds me of DEAR MAN, a classic DBT conflict resolution and communication technique that has a little bit more finesseeee. DEAR MAN stands for: Define, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Assertive, Negotiate. In layman's terms, DEAR MAN is a communication strategy that promotes expressing your objectives and feelings, while also preserving the feelings and objectives of others.  This frame work is helpful because it helps all types of communicators. When faced with stressful conversations, some people crumble under perceived conflict and let the other persons emotional response manage the outcome of the conversation. Some people are overly aggressive and let their emotions and objective control the narrative of the conversation. Both ends of the communication spectrum have their own communication issues, but DEAR MAN is...