Leadership Communication: boring but essential
Interestingly, this chapter was split into 2 different parts, that have some connecting points, but otherwise strike me as odd to coincide. Alas, this is what we have been given. In this blog entry, I am going to be talking about Leadership Communication. According to the chapter, a communication network is how information flows within the organisation, whether that be structured ways of communication or simple person to person relationships. Part of being a good leader is regulating communication flow, and giving it some sort of structure. Usually, its a sort of up and down, occasionally side to side structure. In my job as a receptionist and there is very straight forward communication flow within the business. Each person has an area of tasks that they cover, like finance or administration or pastoral work. When something like a new Covid-19 policy is introduced, the administration puts together an office protocols update, and emails it to everyone in the office. This would be ...