How to pitch a brilliant idea: you are not a wizard

The chapter we read called "How to Pitch a Brilliant Idea" outlined 3 types of pitch makers: The Show runners, Artists, and Neophytes. 

If I had to put myself into a category, I would say that I am a mix between a show runner and an artist. When it comes down to it, I can put on a confident hat, and make myself appear more outgoing. Additionally, I have always loved incorporating humour into speeches, while demonstrating my knowledge and know how. When public speaking, I am pretty much always able to make myself appear much more outgoing than I am if you were to talk to me on the street. 

I would also put myself in to the category of an artist, because I do appear sort of quirky and creative in my general ethos. 

In order to Pitch a Brilliant idea, you have to keep in mind that you alone cannot change peoples minds. You are not a wizard. However, by appealing to peoples emotions through the strategy of a Show Runner, Artist, or Neophyte, you can appeal to peoples emotions, and make your pitch worth listening to. 


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