Organisations as communication systems: The Manager's Unexpected Journey

Apparently you must take a Journey of 1000 steps in order to manage your business information successfully. From the title alone- it sounds like quite the wild journey. Maybe I should switch my major to... business? 
Unfortunately, The Journey of 1000 Steps does not live up to its name. It turns out that you do not need to take a physical journey of 1000 steps, instead it is a metaphorical journey that describes the various technological and systematic changes that happen in order to manage your business info.
I can't speak for everyone, but I know that I would rather climb the highest mountains and swim in the depths of the darkest seas to find the perfect information management system- but the world we live in is a real let down. 
The Journey of 1000 steps is apart of the '10 principals of successful information management' that is found in the chapter Organisations as Communication Systems in the Organisational Communications Text. Information management refers to the business processes and practises underneath the creation and use of information. An example would be Content or Document Management, Records Management, Employee Records, and many more. Information Management systems should make storing and finding information a seamless communication process, hence the chapter title: Organisations as Communications. 
The main idea behind information management systems is organisation, ease, and communication. At my place of business, everything is Microsoft based. This makes sending documents, files and emails, all very easy because everything is compatible. There used to be multiple information systems at my work, which made it harder to communicate with people and get things done. Now, after some stragglers have finally gotten on board with using the same communications system, things run smoooother. Its nice. 
Over all, information management is a pretty boring topic, but it does carry some finesse and creates a coherent business. 


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